Training & Exercise Q10

MORE INFO: Supercompensation is the adaptive response of our bodies to a training programme. In other words, by training hard and getting your work-to-recovery balance right, you will achieve better results. Each individual will have their own optimum level of exercise and recovery to increase their base fitness level over time. The four phases of […]

Training & Exercise Q9

MORE INFO: How movements transfer to athletic performance is part of the evaluation process in exercise selection. The goal of any program is to use exercises with a positive transfer of training. Exercises that relate to the athletic qualities needed for an event will have the highest transfer rate. Modern training programs emphasize the importance […]

Training & Exercise Q8

MORE INFO: We all know that there are a variety of benefits to weight training — including improved fat loss, strength and athletic performance — but at the core of weight training, there are 5 key lifts that are known as the big 5. Also known as compound exercises, the big 5 work multiple muscle […]

Training & Exercise Q7

MORE INFO: The lunge is done in motion — in the form of walking forwards or a single step backward, forward, or laterally — while the split squat is static. This makes the lunge slightly more dynamic, and the split squats a stationary movement. SOURCE:

Training & Exercise Q6

MORE INFO: Once you’ve mastered the hip hinge movement pattern, it’s time to add Romanian deadlifts to your workout routine—here’s how: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart with a slight bend in your knees, a barbell placed in front of you. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your spine long and straight as your torso […]

Training & Exercise Q5

MORE INFO: In most strength training programs, weight lifting tempo is expressed as eccentric-to-isometric-to-concentric, which means that a 3:1:1 tempo = 3 sec. eccentric : 1 sec. isometric : 1 sec. concentric. While TUT in the eccentric phase provides a strong stimulus for muscle growth, the overall goal of the training program, the amount of […]

Training & Exercise Q4

MORE INFO: A 1-rep max refers to the maximum amount of weight you can lift for one repetition of a given exercise. It’s used as a marker of overall strength and power in the exercise. It can also help you estimate how much weight to lift in the future based on the desired number of […]

Training & Exercise Q3

MORE INFO: Most people tend to focus on one type of exercise or activity and think they’re doing enough. Research has shown that it’s important to get all four types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Each one has different benefits. Doing one kind also can improve your ability to do the others, and […]

Training & Exercise Q2

MORE INFO: As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Reducing sitting time is important, too. The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk […]

Training & Exercise Q1

MORE INFO: The best activity to improve circulation is aerobic exercise – the kind that makes you mildly out of breath. This includes jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, rowing, boxing, team sports, aerobic or cardio classes, or brisk walking. Whatever form – or forms – of aerobic activity you chose, doing at least 150 minutes a […]