You have 14 days to return the product that you have ordered through our webshop without giving any reason. This term starts on the day of receiving the product. After you have informed us about the return, from that moment on you have 14 days to return the product. You can inform us by sending an e-mail to or by filling in the model form attached.

The product can only be returned unused and, if possible, in its original shipping packaging. Products that are taken out of the packaging film cannot be returned.

The return costs for returning the order are for your account.
We will refund the amount you have paid (including shipping costs for sending the product to you) within 14 days after receiving the announcement of returning the product. We are allowed to wait with the refund until we have received the product or until you give us proof that you have returned the product, whichever comes first.

We will use the same payment method that you have used for the refund, unless you agree to a different method.

If you have chosen a more expensive method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery, we do not have to repay the additional costs for the more expensive method.

If you have a complaint about your webshop order, you can contact us at

We request that you send the following information:
• Your name
• Webshop order number / invoice number
• Description of your complaint

We will contact you within 5 days about how we will handle your complaint.


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THE WEBSHOP WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON! (you can't order just yet)